Friday, December 27, 2019

German SMS Abbreviations Explained and Translated

We used to be the kinds of people who vowed to never â€Å"butcher† the written language, be it German or English when it came to e-mailing and texting. That was a few years ago. Now, we must admit, having seen so many abbreviations, we have joined countless others, in typing at least the more common abbreviations. Germans, as you may have guessed, use some English SMS, but fortunately, German SMS abounds as well. Why not try to impress a German friend with some SMS German texting? Just be sure of thing - please don’t forget how the words really are spelled†¦ 8tung Achtung – watch outads alles deine Schuld – all your faultakla? alles klar? – everything o.k?aws auf Wiedersehen – good byebb bis bald – see you soonbda bis dann – till thenbidunowa? Bist du noch wach? – Are you still awake?braduhi? brauchst du Hilfe? – Do you need help?bs bis spà ¤ter – till laterdad denke an dich – thinking of youdiv danke im Voraus – thank you in advancedubido du bist doof – you are dumbff Fortsetzung folgt – to be continuedg grinsen - smirkgk Gruß und Kuss – hug and kissgn8 gute Nacht – good nighthdl hab dich Lieb – love youhegl herzlichen Glà ¼ckwunsch - congratulationsild ich liebe dich – I love youjon jetzt oder nie – now or neverlg liebe Grà ¼ÃƒÅ¸e – heartfelt regardsmamim a mail mir mal – e-mail memumidire muss mit dir reden – have to talk with youn8 Nacht - nightnfd nur fà ¼r dich - only for youpg Pech gehabt – bad luckrumian ruf mich an - call mesfh Schluss fà ¼r heute- enough for todaysiw soweit ich weiß- as far as I knowsz schreib zurà ¼ck – write backvlg viele Grà ¼ÃƒÅ¸evv viel Vergnà ¼gen – lots of funwamaduheu? was machst du heute? – What are you doing today?Waudi warte auf dich – wait for youWe Wochenende - weekend

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Case Analysis Jonbenet Ramsey - 729 Words

JonBenet Ramsey was born on August 6, 1990 to her parents Patsey Ramsey and John Bennet Ramsey. JonBenet was a pageant queen, who won many titles. Those titles include Little Miss Colorado, Little Miss Charlevoix, Colorado State All-Star Kids Cover Girl, America s Royale Miss, and National Tiny Miss Beauty. JonBenet had four siblings: Burke Ramsey, John Andrew Ramsey, (half-brother), Melinda Ramsey Long, (half-sister), Elizabeth Ramsey, (half-sister), died in 1992 at age 22. JonBenet moved to Colorado when she was just a year old. She attended High Peaks Elementary School and was a member of St. John s Episcopal Church of Boulder. JonBenet s last pageant was December 17, 1996. She performed Rockin Around the Christmas Tree and modeled a few outfits. The competition took place at the Southwest Plaza in Denver, Colorado. She was crowned Little Miss Christmas and won a medal for talent. She was only six years old when she was murdered on the night of December 25th, 1996. Her grave lie s in Saint James Episcopal Cemetery in Marietta, Georgia, next to the grave of her mother and sister. As of today, almost 10 years since her death, her murder remains unsolved. JonBenet Ramsey was murdered in her home on December 26, 1996. Her skull was fractured and she was strangled. Noticing that JonBenet was not in bed that morning, Patsy Ramsey called the police after finding a ransom note demanding $118,000 for her daughter s safe return. The girl s body, however, wasShow MoreRelatedCase Analysis : Jonbenet Ramsey1778 Words   |  8 PagesJonBenà ©t Ramsey was murdered in October of 1996. For the last fifteen years police have tried to solve the case, but have had little success. As such, the suspect remains at-large. Due to the high profile of the case it has received national attention. Many people kept track of findings through the news, social media, and with the publishing of books and film. Speculation about the case still remains a popular topic in various genres for the public and other interested parties. The way the caseRead MoreUnsolved Murder of Jonbenet Ramsey1541 Words   |  7 PagesTerrible Murder of a Little Girl Named JonBenet On Christmas 1996 Is It Possible That Mom Was the Killer 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey had no idea that Christmas of 1996 would be her last, possibly not even her murderer. Sometimes people lose control of situations and act out of rage. Things happen that aren’t meant to and in a panic we do our best to cover things up to avoid the consequences. On the night of December 25, 1996 the Ramsey family went to a Christmas party. TheRead MoreChain of Custody Preservation of Evidence2382 Words   |  10 Pagesyour high integrity and honesty, you will always be open to allegations of civil or criminal liability. The first type of evidence and usually the most obvious is physical evidence. Evidence can be anything from tangible objects such as cartridge cases and firearms to latent fingerprints and DNA. Evidence collection or recovery step in crime scene processing is the methods, techniques, and procedures used in retrieving evidence. Patience and care are very important at the crime scene. The criminalistRead MoreChief Kobys Management Style1551 Words   |  7 PagesOrthmann, 2012). This case study will briefly explore the concepts of the contingency theory, and how it could have been applied to Chief Koby’s management style. The chief’s leadership and management style has greatly affected his organization as a whole. It is also noted that he was severely criticized for mishandling the controversial murder case of Jonbenet Ramsey, along with two other high profile incidents which will be discussed in this case study (Haberfeld, 2013). Analysis Tom Koby startedRead MoreBeauty Pageants: Right or Wrong? Essay1558 Words   |  7 Pagesjudged it should be by a man. Lastly, pageants just aren’t safe. Think back to the JonBenà ©t Ramsey case in 1996. She was known all around the world as a beauty queen, and At the time, the media described her as a painted baby, a sexualized toddler beauty queen. ( Her mom dressed her up in provocative clothing and made her look ten times her age; as a result she was a target of a pedophile. JonBenà ©t was taken for ransom from her home, and was found murdered in the basement of thereRead MoreFalse Confession3680 Words   |  15 Pagesthe prevalence rate is unknown, recent analyses reveal that 20 to 25% of prisoners exonerated by DNA had confessed to police, that the percentage is far higher in capital murder cases (White, 2003), and that these discovered instances represent the tip of an iceberg (Drizin Leo, 2004). After reviewing a number of cases throughout history, a nd drawing on theories of social inï ¬â€šuence, Wrightsman and I proposed a taxonomy that distinguished three types of false confessions: voluntary, compliant, and

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Interest Rates and Bond Valuation free essay sample

As a consumer, the effective annual rate is the more important rate since it represents the rate actually paid or earned. Â  110. You are considering two annuities, both of which make total annuity payments of $10,000 over their life. Which would be worth more today: annuity A, which pays $1,000 at the end of each year for the next 10 years, or annuity B, which pays $775 at the end of the first year, but the annuity payment grows by $50 each year, reaching $1,225 at the end of year 10? Are there any circumstances in which the two would be equal? Explain. The second annuity weights its payments more toward the back of the period, rather than the front, making it less valuable unless the discount rate is zero. Some students may get tripped up by the fact that the two annuities have the same total payments. This would clearly demonstrate a lack of understanding of the time value of money. We will write a custom essay sample on Interest Rates and Bond Valuation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are three factors that affect the present value of an annuity. Explain what these three factors are and discuss how an increase in each will impact the present value of the annuity. The factors are the interest rate, payment amount, and number of payments. An increase in the payment and number of payments will increase the present value, while an increase in the interest rate will decrease the present value. There are three factors that affect the future value of an annuity. Explain what these three factors are and discuss how an increase in each will impact the future value of the annuity. The factors are the interest rate, payment amount, and number of payments. An increase in any of these three will increase the future value of the annuity. Should lending laws be changed to require lenders to report the effective annual rate rather than the annual percentage rate? Explain the reasoning for your answer. It would be more meaningful for consumers to know the effective annual rate rather than the annual percentage rate. The effective annual rate is slightly more difficult to calculate and also more difficult to explain, and may add confusion to the loan process. However, regardless of the costs, it would appear that consumers would benefit from learning what the effective annual rate is as opposed to the annual percentage rate. Annuity A makes annual payments of $813. 73 for each of the next 10 years, while annuity B makes annual payments of $500 per year forever. At what interest rate would you be indifferent between the two? At interest rates above this break-even rate, which annuity would you choose? How about at interest rates below the break-even rate? This requires the students to actually use the present value formulas, setting the present value annuity equal to the present value of a perpetuity and solving for the interest rate that makes the two equivalent. The first step is recognizing that the indifference point occurs when the two present values are equal. The break-even rate is 10 percent: below that rate, the perpetuity is better, while above that rate, the 10-year annuity is preferred. Â  A friend who owns a perpetuity that promises to pay $1,000 at the end of each year, forever, comes to you and offers to sell you all of the payments to be received after the 25th year for a price of $1,000. At an interest rate of 10 percent, should you pay the $1,000 today to receive payment numbers 26 and onwards? What does this suggest to you about the value of perpetual payments? The present value of the perpetuity is $10,000, and the present value of the first 25 payments is $9,077. 04, thus you should be willing to pay only $922. 96 for payments 26 and onwards. This suggests that the value of a perpetuity is derived primarily from the payments received early in its life, and the payments to be received later have little worth today

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Veering Point Essay Example For Students

Veering Point Essay What were the causes and effects of World War I? The answer to this seemingly simple question is not elementary. There was more to the onset of the war then the event of an Austrian prince being murdered in Serbia, as is what most people consider to be the cause of World War I. Furthermore, the effects of the war were not just concentrated to a post-war era lasting for a generation of Westerners. No, the effects of the war were widespread throughout the world and can be traced to generations after the war..It is not a rare occasion that when a person is asked what the causes of World War I were, that they answer with the simple comment of an Austrian Prince being shot in Serbia. However the assignation of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie , in Sarajevo was not the main cause of the Great War. Rather, it was the breaking point for Austria in its dealings with Serbia. The truth of the matter is that several factors played a role in the outbreak of the catastrophic war the engulfed the nations of Europe for over four years. World War I truly was the result of building aggressions among the countries of Europe which was backed by the rise of nationalism. To add to the disastrous pot, there was also imperial competition along with the fear of war prompting military alliances and an arms race. All of these increased the escalating tensions that lead to the outbreak of a world war. (Mckay, pg. 904)Two opposing alliances developed by the Bismarckian diplomacy after the Franco- Prussian War was one of the major causes of the war. In order to diplomatically isolate France, Bismarck formed the Three Emperors League in 1872, which was an alliance between Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary. Then in 1882 , Bismarck took advantage of Italian resentment toward France and formed the Triple Alliance between Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungry. In 1890 Bismarck was dismissed from his office and France took the opportunity to gain an ally, therefore , in 1891 the Franco- Russian Entente was formed. Then in 1904 Britain and France put aside their conflicts and formed the Entente Cordiale. As a result , the Triple Entente , a coalition between Great Britain, France , and Russia, countered the Triple Alliance. Now Europe was divided up into two armed camps.(World Book Encyclopedia, WXYZ, pg. 367)Nationalism also played a major role in developing tensions in Europe; for it had been causing dissatisfaction since the Congress of Vienna in 1815. In that settlement the preservment of peace was chosen over nationalism, therefore, Germany and Italy were left as divided states, though they did unify in the future. The Franco- Prussian War in 1871 resulted in the Frances loss of the province of Alasce- Lorraine to Germany, and the French looked forward to regaining their lands. Then there was Austria- Hungary which controlled many lands that their neighbors felt belonged to them. Serbia wanted Bosnia and Hercegovina, Italy wanted the Trentino and Tries te regions, and the Czechs and Solvaks wanted independence from Austria- Hungrey. There was also Russia which had problems within its own boundaries; for Russia contained many different nationalities and many were also seeking independence in the name of nationalism. ( World Book Encyclopedia, WXYZ, pg. 366)Another major conflict that caused the outbreak of the Great War was what is known as the arms race. With the hostile divisions of the nations of Europe there came the expansion of armies and navies. Furthermore, the great powers came to copy Germanys military organization and efficiency, which called for universal registration for military duty, large reserves and detailed planning. Efforts were made for universal disarmament, but the international rivalry caused the arms race to continue to feed on itself. (Karpilovsky, World Wide Web)Imperial competition also played a major rule in the act of increasing the ever growing tensions among the divided countries of Europe. In Afri ca there were two crises in Morocco. The first time, in 1905, Germany full heartedly supported Moroccos call for independence from France, and with the British defending the French war was only avoided because of an international conference which made Morocco a French protectorate. The second crisis occurred in 1911, and it was in protest to French supremacy in Morocco. The Germans finally gave the French a free hand in Morocco, but with a price. They demanded in exchange a portion if of the French Congo. Around this same era there was also a Bosnian crisis, which began with Austria- Hungarys takeover of the province of Bosnia in 1908. For this Serbia threatened war on Austria- Hungary with the pledged backing of Russia. As they began to mobilize, Austria- Hungary , with the alliance of Germany, threaten war on Russia. When Russia backed down, the soon to be war was postponed, but left was a greatly strained relationship between Serbia and Austria Hungary. (Karpilovsky, World Wide W eb)On June 28, 1914 the battle lines were drawn with the assassinations in Sarajevo. It was believed that the crime was committed by a Serbian nationalist, and immediately following it Germany , with its full support pledged, pressed Austria- Hungary into declaring war on Serbia. At this same time, France was strengthening its backing of Russia. War might have been avoided if Serbia had excepted Austria- Hungarys harsh ultimatum, however they faithfully refused. Almost at once the war fell into place. Austria declared war on July 28, 1914. The next day Russia mobilized against Austria- Hungary, on August 1st Germany declared war on Russia, and two days later on France. When Germany disregarded Belgiums neutrality, Britain declared war on Germany. Finally war had begun, and unlike the predictions that had been made the resulting war was long, indecisive, and reeked havoc on the nations of Europe. (Karpilovsky, World Wide Web)The Great War officially ended in January of 1919 with a pe ace conference in Paris which represented twenty- seven triumphant nations. However almost immediately the great powers, United States, Great Britain, and France, were at odds with each other. President Wilson, the representative of the United States, was insist on first and foremost dealing with the creation of the League of Nations; while France and Britain on punishing Germany. In the long run France gave up on having a buffer zone between itself and Germany for a defensive alliance with the United States and Britain, and Wilson got the formation of the League of Nations. These developments were not the key items at the conference, rather it was the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty was made between the Allies and Germany, and it began to re-establish order. In the treaty, all of Germanys colonies were divided among the nations, thought it sustained minor losses of territory within Europe. Its standing army was reduced to 100,00 men, and they could not have forts in the Rhineland . The clause that angered most people was the one that made Germany claim responsibility for the war, and imposed reparations .Thought Germanys new republican government found the treaty to be harsh, they signed it and their discontent set the stage for the Second World War. (McKay, pg. 926-927)Germany was not the only country to suffer because of the war; the world had been wiped clean of millions of people, and there was also extensive damage throughout Europe. However, these were not the only sufferings for the generation of the post- war era. The era followed with a great many economic difficulties throughout the world. The many industries that had been based on the war effort were no longer needed, thereby unemployment was on the rise, and the government had secured many debts to succeed in the war. With these aspects , and poor economic policies in many nations present it seemed that an economic crisis would occur sooner or later; which it did. In 1929 the American stock marke t came to a crashing halt, leaving many investors wiped out and the wealthy and confident without money. In the aftermath, banks began to fall because many loans feel through. With the financial crisis also came a decrease of production, and naturally this lead to widespread unemployment. This in turn lead to the fall of peoples spirits, and homes and ways of life were disrupted in millions of personal tragedies. (Mckay, pg. 957-958)The era of the Great Depression was also the era of the rise of political dictatorship throughout Europe. These dictatorships involved a new form of tyranny and were most evident in Stalin Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.( Mckay, pg.967) With hardships rising, people became more willing to put up with leaders like Stalin and Hitler. It is believed by many that Hitler would never have came to power if it had not been for the German peoples feelings of nationalism, and their discontent with the economy and the restrictions from the Treaty of Versailles. Hitl er played on the peoples emotions, and he officially won the game when he legally took over as the dictator of Germany. The rise of Hitler is a very important effect of World War I because it lead to the Second World War. The leaders first tried to please Hitler by giving him what he asked in order to avoid war, however Hitler did not stop he kept on pushing for more. When Germany invaded Poland, war became inevitable. Britain and France declared war on Germany. The United States joined in on the war effort against Germany, Italy , and Japan after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. World War II was the last major effect of the First World War. (Mckay, pg.986-989) The war solved no problem. Its effects, both immediate and indirect, were either negative or disastrous. Morally subversive, economically destructive, socially degrading. Confused in its causes, devious in its course, futile in its result, it is the outstanding example of European history of meaningless conflict. These wo rds of C.V Wedgewood are the perfect description of the Great War. World War I had many complex causes, rather than one simple which is what is believed by many people. Furthermore, the effects were widespread throughout generations all over the world. .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a , .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a .postImageUrl , .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a , .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a:hover , .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a:visited , .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a:active { border:0!important; } .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a:active , .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u00c04130ddba3bdc40c80cff0ebd0e1a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Short Story - I'm Going Home Essay We will write a custom essay on Veering Point specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now